From 18.11.2024 to 22.11.2024, the eduNexus intensive workshop week, funded as part of the „Bildungsinnovation braucht Bildungsforschung“ (B3) initiative, took place at the education castle in Zell an der Pram. The organizing team of the trans!doc group, consisting of Martin Ebner, Harald Burgsteiner, Sandra Schön, Benedikt Brünner, Vera Schwarz and Georg Nöhrer, prepared an exciting program for the participants. Doctoral students and supervisors from seven of the initiative’s nine consortia as well as some “aliens” or “consortium-less”, as they called themselves, were present. The dig!doc consortium was represented especially strongly among the participants. All doctoral students and three of the supervisors, Fares Kayali, Renate Motschnig and Klaus Himpsl-Gutermann, attended the event.

In addition to the keynote speeches organized by the eduNexus team (and a very entertaining festival play), social events were held during the participatory week. These allowed the participants to get to know each other and network across consortia. Numerous writing workshops designed by the participants, talks and roundtables on research and publication processes as well as on methodology or thematic overlaps between the consortia were also part of the so-called research cabinets.
New ideas and approaches for the dissertation projects were collected, papers were advanced, contacts were made and plans for future collaboration were forged.
Catering and entertainment were also taken care of well. In addition to the events offered by the organization team, the participants organized a wide range of leisure activities in smaller groups during lunch breaks, evenings and the early morning hours as part of the so-called “Wuzzeln”. During these activities and the shared meals, which were excellently prepared in the castle restaurant, the participants were able to discover common interests and discuss research as well as personal topics.
We would like to once again thank the organizing team and the highly motivated and open-minded participants for the wonderful event. The week together was not only stimulating in terms of content and a great support in the dissertation process as well as in building a network in the field, but was also a lot of fun. We hope to see all of you again very soon.

More about eduNexus:
Project Report
Picture gallery on the eduNexus website
More about the community-building measures funded by the B3-Initiative: