From 15 to 18 July 2024, PhD candidates Anne Elena Tiefenbacher and Jasmin Wallner had the opportunity to take part in the inspiring summer school ‘Research Methods in Didactics and Educational Science’. Organised by the Centre for Teacher Education at the University of Vienna and the Institute of Educational Sciences at the University of Basel, the summer school in Spital am Pyhrn provided a platform for young researchers to expand their methodological and methodical know-how and receive valuable feedback on their dissertation projects.

The Summer School offered a varied programme that included both theoretical input and practical exercises. Renowned experts from various research fields from Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and Austria offered exciting interactive workshops. These ranged from research methods, data preparation and visualisation to publication practice and the supervision and support of theses.
A particular highlight was the opportunity to present dissertation projects in the form of posters and receive valuable feedback from experienced researchers. The constructive discussions and professional exchange opened up new perspectives and provided important impulses for further work on the dissertations.
In addition to the professional input, the Summer School also offered an excellent opportunity to network with other (early career) researchers and strengthen one’s own research community. The intensive dialogues and the shared indoor and outdoor activities contributed to an inspiring and motivating atmosphere.
Overall, the Summer School 2024 was an extremely enriching experience, during which methodological and methodical knowledge was expanded, valuable contacts were made, and new impulses for the dissertation projects were gained. A big “thank you” goes to the organisers, especially Prof. Dr Anja Lembens, and the participating experts.