On Wednesday, October 23, Petra Weixelbraun, Selina Gartner and Jasmin Wallner successfully completed their public faculty presentation at the Department of Education at the University of Vienna. Between 9 am and 12 noon, the three doctoral students from the consortium and another doctoral student, Vincent Schatz, presented their research projects and offered exciting insights into their dissertation projects with the following working titles:
- (Re-) Connected Learning: Creating Community in Basic Digital Education Classes by Selina Gartner
- Ctrl + Shift + Learn: Teacher Insights on Computational Empowerment in Basic Digital Education by Petra Weixelbraun
- Information literacy: FA(I)ct of FA(l)ke? Understanding online search strategy patterns of lower secondary school students by Jasmin Wallner
- New grade composition – New grades? How the Austrian Grading Reform of 2020 Changes Teachers’ Grading by Vincent Schatz

The subsequent discussion was exciting and insightful: valuable feedback from the head of the study program, professors from the Doctoral School in Education and students from the audience enabled the doctoral students to gain further perspectives on their topics and strengthened them in the further direction of their dissertations. These suggestions will be of great benefit to them in the next steps of their academic work.
For the three doctoral students from the consortium, this marks a further milestone in their dissertation process and encourages them on their further research path.