Anne Elena Tiefenbacher successfully completed her faculty-open presentation at the Department of Education on 27.11.2024. Together with her, Mirjam Duvivié and Veronica Maricic presented their projects titled:
- Exploring Young People’s perceived Benefits of Participatory Design Research of Digital Learning Tools (Mirjam Duvivié)
- The Implementation of a New School Subject: Basic Digital Education at the Individual School Level (Anne Elena Tiefenbacher)
- Faith in Numbers: The Emergence of a Science of Education at Teachers College, Columbia University 1890s–1920s (Veronika Maricic)

After their successful talks of the three doctoral candidates, who completed Univ. Prof. Dr. Daniel Tröhler’s Introductory Course in preparation for their presentations together at the University of Vienna during the summer term of 2024, stimulating discussions took place. The director of studies, professors of the Doctoral School and members of the audience provided valuable Feedback, providing novel perspectives on the topics presented and helpful impulses for the planning of future research.