The second Summit Educational Research, organized by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research Austria, took place on Monday, 9 December 2024 at the Aula der Wissenschaften in Vienna. The overarching theme of the event was “Bildungsforschung im digitalen Zeitalter: KI und Digitalisierung als Treiber des Wandels” [“Educational research in the digital age: AI and digitalization as drivers of change“]. Three keynote speakers contributed their expertise on various aspects of the topic. Mag.a Sonja Gabriel, MA MA, university professor for media didactics and media education at the Private University College of Teacher Education of Christian Churches Austria Vienna and Lower Austria and coordinator of our consortium spoke about “AI-Literacy als Schlüsselkompetenz für eine Bildung der Zukunft” [“AI literacy as a key competence for the education of the future“]. Kathrin Marie Otrel-Cass, PhD, Professor of Teaching/Learning and Digital Transformation at the University of Graz, spoke on the topic of “Digitale Medien in Schul- und Hochschullehre – neu gedacht” [“Digital media in school and university teaching – rethought“].
Alice Watanabe, MA, philosopher and educational scientist at the University of Hamburg, highlighted topics relating to “Kompetenz-, Kontroll- und Sozialverluste durch KI: Eine kritische Betrachtung für die Hochschulbildung” [“Loss of competence, control and social skills through AI: A critical consideration for higher education“].
In addition to the keynotes the status quo of the nine cooperative doctoral consortia of the first call of the initiative „Bildungsinnovation braucht Bildungsforschung“ (B3) [“Educational innovation needs educational research”] was also reported on. A special focus was placed on challenges and highlights. The coordinator and project leader Prof. Dr. Fares Kayali reported on our consortium in a 10-minute presentation.
For us the summit offered a good opportunity to find out about developments and findings in the field of AI and digitalization in education and to network and exchange ideas with experts and other stakeholders from the education sector.
More on the second Educational Reserach Summit:
Article on the summit on the PH Wien’s website
Article on the summit on the KPH’s website
All about the first Educational Research Summit:
Article on
Further information on the initiative “Bildungsinnovaion braucht Bildungsforschung” (B3) [“Educational innovation needs educational research”]:
Overview on